Saturday, May 26, 2007

Child Pornography

Child Pornography

Guilty but not yet sentenced

Michael Kelly Reiner, 46, 4th-5th grade teacher on Long Island.
Possession of child pornography. Caught trying to enter Canada with disks. Operated a web site devoted to sadistic fantasies and cannibalism.
To be sentenced August 10.

Gerald Thomas, 46. Texas teacher.
Pleaded guilty to one count child pornography.
To be sentenced April 18.
No online followup stories.

David Bergland, 42, a high school teacher in Massachusetts.
Pleaded guilty to child pornography possession. 150-300 images.
No sentencing information.

Joshua Evans, 25, elementary school music teacher in Georgia.
Pleaded guilty to charge he attempted to receive child pornography over the Internet.
No sentencing date given.

John McNair, 59, science teacher at a middle school, Pensacola, FL
Pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography. Police found 160,000 images.
To be sentenced Jan 17, 2008

Jennifer Jacobi, 35, a substitute teacher in Indiana
Pleaded guilty to two charges of child pornography production.
Previously sentenced to 66 years for sexual abuse of two children.
To be sentenced Dec. 30.

Scott Southerland, 49, an Illinois substitute teacher
Pleaded guilty to federal child pornography charges.
No sentencing date given.

Ronald Keith Neil, 41, a Boise, Idaho teacher.
Pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography.
To be sentenced May 14.

Craig Lee, 53, Superintendent of the Lagunitas School District, California
Pleaded no contest to one count (out of 13) for child pornography possession.
To be sentenced June 30, 2008.

Edgar Selavka, 48, an assistant teacher at the Center for Early Childhood Education at Smith College.
Guilty plea to 11 counts of possession of child pornography.
To be sentenced in June.

David Tanguay, 61, biology teacher in Wyndham, Maine.
Guilty plea to one count possession child pornography.
No sentencing date given.

Stanley DeLoach, 48, Culpeper, Virginia, Middle School teacher.
Guilty plea to 12 felony child pornography charges.
To be sentenced August 5.

Peter Lamana, 41, Boyertown, Pennsylvania, math teacher.
Guilty verdict to one count of sexual abuse of children for possession of child pornography.
No sentencing date given.

Harold (Bo) Scallon, 60, Rusk, TX teacher
Guilty plea to child pornography possession.
Sentenced to 78 months in prison, 5 years of supervised release.
Registration as a sex offender.

Richard Foster, 51, a 6th grade teacher in Bradford, Vermont.
Pleaded guilty to two charges of production of child pornography involving children under the age of 12.
To be sentenced December 22.

David Hassler, 62, a relgious studies teacher at a Catholic school, Pasadena, CA.
Pleaded guilty to Possession of child pornography.
To be sentenced January 26, 2009.

James C. Love, 37, minister and substitute teacher in Illinois.
Pleaded guilty to producing sexually explicit photos of minors while they were sleeping.
To be sentenced January 23, 2009.

TT - List of educators sentenced for child pornography.

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